How To Write A Argumentative Essay

April 20, 2023 Usman
How To Write A Perfect Argumentative Essay

How To Write A Argumentative Essay

Table of Contents

Argumentative essay writing tasks are one of the most common types of essay assignments that are assigned to students.  Despite its misleading name, this style of writing an argumentative essay doesn’t require a stubborn or aggressive approach. 

Writing an effective argumentative essay is all about presenting a well-researched case that supports your thesis while thoroughly discrediting opposing viewpoints. However, to write an argumentative essay that truly packs a punch, you’ll need to employ a variety of techniques that will help your argument fully resonate with your readers.

Don’t worry if you have never written an argumentative or persuasive essay before because our team of essay-writing experts from Perfect Essay is here to help you. Let us show you how to craft a compelling, logically sound argument that will leave your readers convinced that your thesis is the only logical conclusion. So, read on to discover the tips and tricks that will take your argumentative essay from good to great.

What is an Argumentative Essay?

An argumentative essay is a type of writing that presents an argument, or opinion, supported with evidence such as facts, statistics, and research. It combines logic, reasoning, and hard evidence to persuade the reader and therefore makes them submit to your logical view and sound reasoning. 

The GOAL of an argumentative essay is to present both sides of a particular topic in an unbiased manner so that readers can form their own opinion about the subject matter.

The ART of crafting a perfect argumentative essay is to present well-researched arguments that support your thesis while thoroughly discrediting opposing viewpoints. All in all, an argumentative essay is the ultimate persuasive tool for convincing even the most skeptical reader.

Importance of Writing a Perfect Argumentative Essay

Argumentative essay writing is important because it is a way to express your opinion in an organized and persuasive manner. Writing a compelling argumentative essay is an essential skill for anyone who wants to be successful in their academic or professional life. 

By being able to effectively communicate your point of view in a logical manner, you are more likely to convince others of your opinion and make informed decisions. In addition to all this, this type of writing also hones your critical thinking skills, which can help you better assess any given situation objectively.

Overview of the Steps to Writing a Perfect Argumentative Essay

Choose an Interesting Topic

Criteria for Selecting a Topic

Examples of Good Argumentative Essay Topics

Do Research

Importance of research

How to Conduct Effective Research

Outline Your Argumentative Essay

4 Steps to Outline Your Argumentative Essay

Write Your Argumentative Essay Thesis Statement

3 Steps to Writing a Perfect Argumentative Thesis 

Understanding the Types of Argument Claims

3 Main Types of Arguments and How to Use Them

Writing the Essay

Crafting the Essay Thesis Statement

Organizing the Essay

Writing the introduction, body, and conclusion

Incorporating counterarguments

Editing and Revising

Importance of editing and revising

Tips for editing and revising

Note: Keep reading if you want to see an in-depth explanation of all the steps to writing a perfect argumentative essay.

Things to Avoid While Writing an Argumentative Essay

Avoid being Overly Emotional

While it’s okay to express your opinion and even to get passionate about an issue or to appeal to the reader's emotions. However, your main focus should be on presenting a rational argument rather than begging the reader to agree with your point of view.

Don’t Overgeneralize Things

Always make sure you provide specific examples to illustrate your points and back up your claims. Your writing should be objective and avoid making sweeping generalizations or drawing conclusions without evidence.

Avoid using logical fallacies

Logical fallacies are common errors that weaken arguments by undermining the logic of the argument rather than addressing the validity of the argument itself.

Don't rely too heavily on evidence

Use evidence judiciously; too much proof can detract from the strength of your essay's argument as much as not enough proof can.

In-Depth Explanation of How to Write a Perfect Argumentative Essay

Here is a Step-By-Sep Guide On How To Write An Argumentative Essay to get the A+ grade that you have been striving for.

Choose an Interesting Topic

If the topic of your essay topic has been pre-assigned by your instructor then you can skip this step. If not, then you must know that an exciting essay topic can make all the difference between a good essay and a great essay. Doesn't matter if you are looking for 50+ Argumentative Essay Topics For Middle School, 45+ Excellent History Argumentative Essay Topics, 50+ Funny Argumentative Essay Topics, or the Best 10 Argumentative Essay Titles we have got it all. Choose from these comprehensive lists of argumentative essay topics and take the Criteria for Selecting a Topic You should always choose a topic that interests you but this doesn't mean that you should have all the information about the topic before you choose it. Choosing an interesting topic also means that you will not get bored until you reach the end and the essay writing task will become more exciting for you as you explore the topic at hand.

Do Research

While doing your research prior to actually writing your argumentative essay you should conduct thorough research about the topic that you chose. Here is how to do it: Approach your essay topic without any biases, irrelevant ideas, or assumptions. Take some time to consider the issue and determine which side of the argument you agree with more. Find credible sources of information such as scholarly articles and research papers to back up your arguments effectively. Evaluate the quality and accuracy of the sources as well as their relevance to the topic at hand. Make sure you look at both sides of the argument so that you can make a balanced assessment of the issue. Importance of Research Doing research helps inform your understanding of the topic and provides evidence to back up your claims. It gives you comprehensive knowledge of the subject matter and makes it easier for you to evaluate both sides of the argument.

Outline Your Argumentative Essay

Crafting a compelling argumentative essay requires more than just presenting your point of view. You need to structure your essay in a way that allows readers to easily follow and understand your reasoning. Thinking about how to do an argumentative essay? Fortunately, this can be achieved by following just four simple steps. 4 Steps to Outline Your Argumentative Essay Wondering how to start an argumentative essay? Well, the introductory paragraph should set the stage for your argument. This means providing some relevant background information and outlining the evidence you will present. You should also make sure to clearly state your thesis at the end of the introductory paragraph, which is the main point you will be arguing. The thesis statement is particularly important because it sets the tone for the rest of your essay. It should be concise and easy to understand, providing a clear summary of your claim.

Understanding the Types of Argument Claims

Before you start giving arguments in the body paragraph to support your thesis statement you must first understand what types of claims and arguments that you give: Factual Claims: These are statements that can be proven true or false through evidence. Value Claims: These are statements that are based on opinion and personal values, such as morality or aesthetics. Policy Claims: These are statements designed to advocate for a specific course of action to be taken. Definition Claims: These are claims made to give a precise meaning to a given word or phrase, usually related to ethical and philosophical debates. Causal Claims: These claims seek to explain the relationship between two variables, such as cause and effect, correlation, or association. 3 Main Types of Arguments The three main types of arguments are deductive, inductive, and defeasible. Deductive arguments are those that start from general premises and reach logical conclusions. Inductive arguments start from specific premises and attempt to draw general conclusions. Defeasible arguments are those which rely on circumstantial evidence, such as analogies or examples.

Writing the Essay

Once you start writing your essay, our experts recommend that you stick to the outline and research that you did and write the complete essay without stopping. Writing the essay in one go will bring all your ideas to life and you will not get confused or lost while maintaining a flow between paragraphs. Support your thesis statements with topic sentences in the body paragraphs and tie them all together in the conclusion paragraph. Once you are done creating your first essay draft you can clear out the rough edges in the editing and revision phase. Understanding the Types of Argument Claims Before you start giving arguments in the body paragraph to support your thesis statement you must first understand what types of claims and arguments that you give: Factual Claims: These are statements that can be proven true or false through evidence. Value Claims: These are statements that are based on opinion and personal values, such as morality or aesthetics. Policy Claims: These are statements designed to advocate for a specific course of action to be taken.

Editing and Proofreading

The editing and revision phase can make all the difference between a good argumentative essay and a great one. While editing and proofreading your essay make sure to check for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors. The essay should also be checked for logic and consistency throughout. The content should also be revised to ensure that all of the points are clearly expressed and that they are supported by evidence. Last but not the least, make sure your essay flows well and that you have used all the necessary transitions.

Do you need argumentative essay help? Dont have the time or the skill that is required to create an awesome argumentative essay? Dont worry because academic writing experts from Perfect Essay have got you covered. Our experts have been helping students with all their academic writing tasks and argumentative essays for more than a decade. Our experts can not only create a plagiarism-free custom argumentative essay for you but can also provide you with an example of how you can also write an awesome essay for yourself. Place your order right now and say goodbye to all your essay-writing problems once and for all!

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