Table of Contents
How to start a research paper on stem cell: Tips on how to start
To start writing a research paper on stem cells, students have to know the basics about them first and narrow down the general topic from there. Conduct initial research and determine what stem cells are, their different kinds, and their existing as well as future uses. Furthermore, as writers go along the step of collecting data, they have to choose a sub-topic that is most interesting for them. They should consider the kind of paper though.
For instance, if writing an argumentative paper, the author can choose a specific stance such as being supportive of stem cell use and subsequently provide evidence to sustain this viewpoint. Moreover, writers can explore as many topics and perspectives as possible in order to present compelling arguments which also respond to the strongest counter-positions. On the contrary, if the aim is to write an informative paper, then the tone of writing will be objective or unbiased. After selecting a specific topic, write an outline of the main ideas derived from the research.
Example of an outline
Here is an example of an outline of stem cells.
I. Introduction
A. What Are Stem Cells and Why Are They Important to Study?
B. Thesis
II. What Are the Different Kinds of Stem Cells?
A. Embryonic Stem Cells
B. Adult Stem cells
C. Perinatal Stem Cells
III. Why Is There a Debate on Using Stem Cells?
IV. What Are the Uses of Stem Cells and How Can Obstacles to Their Use Be Removed?
V. Conclusion
Example of a stem cell research paper thesis
A thesis includes the main points of the paper. A good thesis is based on thoughtful research and not a simple rewriting of facts. The primary characteristics of a thesis for an argumentative paper are that it must be contestable, specific, focused, and based on evidence. Below is a sample of a thesis on stem cells:
“Stem cells should be used for research because they can reveal the origins of diseases and present effective therapies, especially for those without the cure, while also allowing the testing of these treatments without use for animal or human subjects.”
Example of an introduction
A good introduction should properly state the topic for the readers and hook them from the very start to encourage reading. Many essays start with a general statement for their introductory paragraph followed by supporting sentences. The last sentence is usually the thesis. Here is a sample introduction:
Stem cells have gained significant scientific and public interest as they have the magnificent potential of developing into diverse kinds of cells. When a stem cell divides, in essence, multiplies, each unit has the potential of becoming a replica or another kind with a specialized role, such as a brain cell or a red blood cell. Stem cells are important as they produce the entire body of a living thing, while adult stem cells assist in replacing those that are lost due to wear and tear, injuries, or diseases. Stem cells should be used for research because they can reveal the origins of diseases and present effective therapies, especially for those without a cure, while also allowing the testing of these treatments without use for animal or human subjects.
How to write body paragraphs: Tips on body writing
A good research paper is composed of well-thought and connected body paragraphs. Each paragraph should be a group of interrelated sentences about a specific idea that ties back to the thesis. The basic components of body paragraphs are a clear topic sentence followed by supporting evidence or details, unity and cohesion, and a concluding sentence that unites the evidence and brings the paper to the next point. Every paragraph must be fully developed with the right number and kind of details or evidence, such as personal examples, quotes from credible sources, and statistics. When writing points that use research, an in-text citation is essential to avoid plagiarism. In addition, all paragraphs must have transitions within the sentence and from one body paragraph to the next.
Example of the 1st body paragraph
The first body paragraph should coincide with what is written in the outline. Below is an example of the initial body paragraph:
Stem cells have different kinds. Embryonic stem cells are derived from three- to five-day-old embryos. Also called a blastocyst, this kind has 150 cells. They are likewise pluripotent as they can divide and generate more stem cells or turn into any cell type. Being versatile, embryonic stem cells can regenerate or fix diseased organs and tissues. Adult stem cells are located in many adult tissues, like the bone marrow or fat. Dissimilar to embryonic stem cells, adult stem cells cannot produce different kinds of cells. Perinatal stem cells are found in the amniotic fluid and umbilical cord blood and can also change into specialized cells.
Example of the 2nd body paragraph
The second body paragraph deals with the controversy of stem cells. Here is a sample:
Several critics are against the use of embryonic stem cells per se. Since these stem cells are collected from early-stage embryos, there are questions about this procedures’ morality. Harvesting embryonic stem cells can result in the promotion of abortion as well as the objectification of embryos. In other words, some people fear that embryos will now be made not for the purpose of reproduction but to sell and use for research. Thus, the sanctity of the human body may be sacrificed in pursuit of stem cell therapies.
Example of the 3rd body paragraph
The third body paragraph tackles the uses of stem cells and the resolutions to controversies. Here is a sample:
Human stem cells can be used for research and find treatment for incurable diseases and remove the need for animal or human experimentation; however, it should be conducted with a moral framework to avoid abuse. Embryonic stem cell research can provide critical information about human development including the formation of diseases. Understanding illnesses at the cellular level, in turn, can produce new therapeutic strategies. Furthermore, stem cells can be used to test new therapies and eliminate animal and human experimentation subjects. Likewise, stem cell research must proceed with an ethical framework to prevent and stop abuses. Related agencies can provide a code of ethics for all scientists to abide by.
How to finish a research paper: Tips on conclusion writing
To write a great concluding paragraph, follow these tips. First, summarize all the main arguments. Second, avoid introducing new topics. Third, you can ask provocative questions. Fourth, evoke strong images that can affect the feelings of readers and possibly motivate changes. Fifth, end with a call to action or suggest outcomes and consequences.
Example of a conclusion
Here is a sample conclusion:
Stem cell research has great potential in understanding illnesses and treating incurable diseases apart from ending human and animal experimentation. Nevertheless, it can be abused and turned into a commercial enterprise without regard for human life. As a result, the paper recommends the creation of an ethical framework that will guide stem cell scientists and hold them responsible for the consequences of their actions. While stem cell studies may have some drawbacks, their benefits are far too important to be stunted; thus, the public should support them and ensure that they continue with a strong moral compass for proper guidance.
Tips on research paper revision
Revision is vital to a well-written paper because writing is a discovery process that does not always yield the perfect first draft. Revising your research work enables you to attain the following advantages.
First, you can take a step back from your paper and recognize if everything in it has meaning. Second, you are checking if you said what you truly wanted to express. Third, you evaluate if the writing is clear enough for readers to understand the content. Fourth, if you are writing argumentatively, you can improve the power of your premises. Revising intends to create the best paper after several changes by making it more coherent and persuasive.
Here are the tips to consider for each part of your paper while doing your revisions. For the introduction, determine if it puts your argument within the context of an ongoing conversation on stem cell research. Next, check if this section includes a definition of key terms, draws readers in, and provides a compelling thesis. The next piece of advice is on revising the thesis. Evaluate if the thesis says what you want to say and offers a statement that is worthy of consideration. Furthermore, ensure that every part of the paper delivers what the thesis promises.
Afterward, assess the structure of the paper. A good practice is making an outline of your written output and determining if it answers your objectives. Make sure that each point is well-developed and improve where necessary. Afterward, determine the coherency of the paragraphs including transition sentences. Check if all the arguments are logical; any sentence that commits fallacies must be removed. Moreover, determine if the conclusion is appropriate in summing up the main point and motivates readers to think about your arguments.
Do the revision in steps and not in one blow. Rest your eyes for an hour or even days, depending on the time you have, in order to have fresh eyes that are ready to identify and correct mistakes. Read the paper loudly as well as this helps catch any mistakes you may miss when reading by the eye. Lastly, you can ask peers and instructors for feedback and consider all their suggestions during revision.