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Free Will Philosophy Essay
Features of writing a philosophy essay on Free Will
Writing about free will might seem easy but you may face a few challenges. First of all, for students who are not in the philosophy class, it would be vital to get familiar with the diverse schools of thought. As a writer, you must always have a position, especially when your essay is argumentative. Your position must always be substantiated by clearly elucidated points or arguments. As you will come to realize, philosophy papers require a lot of research so keep digging until you get arguments you find convincing. Ensure your paper is persuasive and that your readers will eventually either be forced to argue against your argument or will agree with your argument.
How to start writing
When you interact with accomplished writers, they will tell you to never be in a hurry when you want to start writing any paper or article. Additionally, they will caution you on how you start the writing process because it determines your grade. The first thing you need to know when you are writing an essay on Free Will is that it needs a lot of research. For you to determine your position and to develop persuasive arguments, you need to immerse yourself deeply in research. However, unlike what many students do, avoid the temptation of reading too much without making or taking relevant notes down.
Therefore, make short notes while reading and especially any argument or point which you find convincing or relevant to your article. Remember also to develop an outline because it will make your work easier. Separate the sections (introduction, body, and conclusion) while you are creating the outline. Most importantly, however, determine your position.
Tips on how to start
Here are a few tips to help you start an essay on Free Will:
- Conduct extensive research.
- Take notes as you research.
- Develop a position or stance.
- Determine relevant arguments to help you write your essay.
- Develop or create an outline for your paper.
How to write an outline
Developing an outline is an important step in the writing process. Essentially, it contains the sections of your writing (introduction, body, and conclusion) and the points you will include in your paper. An outline should be thorough and contain all the points and arguments you wish to include in your paper. The thorough it will be, the better and easier it will be for you when you start creating your essay. However, remember it should be deeply grounded in research. So, below is a sample of an outline for an essay on Free Will.
- Define free will.
- History of free will.
- Thesis statement – free will does not equal free choice.
- First argument + evidence.
- Second argument + evidence.
- Third argument + evidence.
- The fourth argument – an opposing argument.
- Restate your thesis.
- Enhance the argument by including something that will further the debate or discussion on Free Will.
How to write a thesis for a philosophy essay on Free Will
A thesis is simply your main point or argument. It includes your position and should be clearly written and included in the introduction.
How to write an introduction
The introduction indeed the most important section of your paper. This is because it is after reading your introduction that most writers will either be bored and quickly move on to something or will be highly interested and continue reading. Therefore, you need to start strongly and keep your readers yearning for more. Remember that your introduction should be brief and to the point. Accomplished writers will ask you to disclose enough to arouse your readers’ interest but make it brief to make them want and yearn for more. This tactic will keep them reading.
Tips on how to write an introduction and thesis
While writing the introduction and thesis, consider the following:
- Start with a hook, something to arouse the interest of your readers.
- Make it brief but with enough points.
- Include the thesis statement.
- Narrow the focus or scope of your thesis.
How to write body paragraphs
The body paragraphs mainly contain the supporting points or arguments. As stated earlier, the thesis statement contains your position or main argument. However, your paper will not be complete if it lacks supporting arguments or evidence to back up your thesis. The body section, therefore, is also another important piece in an essay.
Each body paragraph must have a point that it is trying to communicate. Additionally, every point or argument must also be followed by ample supporting evidence. However, before you proceed to the conclusion (and this is mainly if you are writing an argumentative paper on Free Will), remember to include one last paragraph which elucidates further on the strongest argument against your position.
Tips on body writing
To write a perfect body, consider the following tips:
- Each paragraph must start with a topic sentence which holds the supporting argument.
- Every supporting argument must be followed by supporting sentences or ample evidence.
- Make use of transition words to show when you are moving from one point to another.
- Tie your points to the thesis statement and ensure they all help to further explain your position.
- Be thorough and always cite whenever you include information which is not original.
- For an argumentative essay, include an argument that is against your stance.
How to finish a philosophy essay on Free Will
When you are writing, the energy you start with must be coherent and be rationally and evenly distributed in your entire paper. Therefore, your conclusion must be as strong as your introduction and body. For a philosophy essay on Free Will, you will need to restate your position and also include the main points from your essay. However, instead of the cliché ending, you can also include something like an anecdote to help further the discussion on free will.
Tips on conclusion writing
Consider the following tips while writing your conclusion:
- Restate your position or thesis statement.
- Mention the main points from your essay.
- Include an anecdote or a few sentences to help further the discussion on Free Will.
Tips on revision
Revising an essay simply entails the processes which help you to get a perfect essay. Accomplished writers will always stress this step because many students are usually in a hurry and often forget to revise their papers before they submit them. However, ensure that you always take this step seriously. Below are some tips to help you revise your paper the next time you write an essay:
- Read through your work several times after you have finished writing while making the necessary corrections.
- Ask a friend or a relative to read your work and to pinpoint any mistakes they might come across.
- Use some of the online revising tools to help you discover any mistakes you might have missed as you were proofreading.
Philosophy Essay Sample: Free Will
Almost every webpage or book written about free will seems to continue or further the various debates and disagreements brought by the term. All philosophers seem to want to say something regarding free will and each comment is always met with a certain response. However, one argument regarding the term always seems quite shallow to me. Often, you will hear some accomplished philosophers say that human beings do not have free will because God knows what we will do even before we do it. The simple fact that God is all-knowing and that he knows whichever choice we make means we are not free and are, therefore, not making any free choices as we would like to think.
However, I believe this argument is irrelevant, and this is because of three things: knowing what happened, what happens, and what will happen does not necessarily equal to any interference; having a God who knows everything including our choices does not mean we are limited in the choices we make but that He knows what we will choose in the future; God is also not limited to the past, present or the future and time is not in any way part of His being or nature.
Free will is often defined as man’s innate ability to make equal or unrestricted choices. God knows all our choices, and this includes the ones we made, ones we are making, and the ones we will make. However, Him knowing these things is not equivalent to Him preventing or allowing some to happen. Every human being has an infinite number of options at every turn, but everyone always chooses among the ones he/she is familiar with. Unless in countries where dictatorship exists, my choice of an option is never restricted, but I always choose from a pool of options that I know of. However, the consequences or results are never affected, restricted or even impacted by God knowing the choice I will make. Him knowing never affects me.
Additionally, God knowing also does not mean my choices are limited but that He knew beforehand what I would be up to today. God knew I would write this article, but I had the option of refusing to write it or even delegating it to someone else. My other options are still intact, and I am the one who decided to write the paper and Him knowing had nothing to do with the decision I made. My natural ability to choose or to make a choice is not affected and remains intact. I can choose to leave this article here and ask a friend to finish it for me. However, I am making a conscious choice to continue writing it. God knowing that I will write it or give it to a friend to finish has nothing to do with the choice I will make.
Finally, a majority of the people with this notion believe that time is part of God’s nature or being. However, if the future like the present exists for God, then God is not part or does not exist in man’s time realm. Additionally, it means God is not restricted to the past, present, or the future. His being is everywhere hence our future choices are known to Him like our present choices are. Additionally, this only means that He knows what we, in our freedom, will choose come the time to make certain choices. This, however, does not take away our free will or our freedom to act or think as freely as we might like.