Benefits of Narrative Essay Quiz In Schools

September 23, 2022 F WP

Benefits of Narrative Essay Quiz In Schools

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The best way to learn about writing something is to write about it. This is a standard procedure in schools and colleges as it aligns with the modern thinking of western knowledge-gaining and application structures. Essay writing activities and classes in schools are not exempted from that. Teachers often explain different elements of essay writing and then assign those essays to students, expecting they would come back with exceptional pieces of writing.

Narrative Essay Quiz

A narrative essay is a personal account of a fictional or real incident told from the perspective of the writer. Contrary to most academic writing types, a narrative essay is full of emotions and sentiments and relies heavily on subjective details. 

It has a standard structure with three major segments, which include an introduction, the main body, and a conclusion.

A narrative essay quiz is based on multiple-choice questions prepared by a teacher. In that quiz, students will go through different aspects and elements of the narrative essay and learn about them in a more better and potent way.

That’s why many academic institutions are redefining the way they are asking students to write essays on personal narratives.

Learning Possibilities Through A Narrative Essay Quiz

There is no need to define and explain what a quiz is because it is one of the most dominant ways through which schools and colleges gauge students’ learning potential and capabilities. It is a multiple-choice question paper where students should choose the right answer from given options.

This section is dedicated to showing the importance of narrative essay quizzes and the possibilities they can offer for better learning and understanding for the students.

Makes The Process of Learning Exciting

Simply standing in front of the class and talking about different aspects of writing is not a healthy activity altogether, especially when students will be expected to write based on the instructions they get from the teachers.

There is a lot to handle and remember when it comes to narrative essays, whether it is their structure or their elements and the interplay between them. In that case, an interactive narrative essay quiz can help students better visualize the events and incidents along with the fundamentals.

The best part is the added fun and sense of competition among peers.

Confidence Building For Young Writers

Often, young writers in schools and colleges know about the technical details of writing, but they lack confidence and support from others. A quiz is about better understanding the elements and the possibilities that a narrative can offer.

Whether it is about connecting the dots between the plot and characters or providing the best solutions to dilemmas that a protagonist could be facing, everything can be covered in a quiz. Once they are done with the quiz, they can put the learned skills and knowledge to the paper in a much better way and ensure that the result is close to the expectations.

Highlights The Importance of Planning

Because of the subjective and personal nature of narrative writing, many students believe that a structure or rigid constraints can affect the outcome and wreak havoc on their artistic freedom. This is not the case as structures often help students learn better and progress swiftly.

In the case of a narrative essay quiz, students can better understand and assimilate the elements, examples, and narratives from other sources. The result is lessons learned from the process and emphasizes the need to go by a set standard. That’s why students who go through direct ways score better in exams.

Connects Plans With Progress

Many students do not visualize the progress of learning and understanding until they are putting the skills into action. This could take a long time through conventional avenues where students learn and take classes first and then write a narrative essay at the end of the semester.

A narrative essay quiz, on the other hand, can help them visualize their progress. If they score better and higher, they can rest assured that they have nailed the fundamentals and can go through the process of writing with ease. In the case of a lackluster performance on the quiz, they need to work harder.

Learning Elements & Structure of A Narrative Essay

Now that we have made the case for the effectiveness and potency of narrative essay quizzes, many would raise the question as to how the multiple-choice questions can be set. In addition to this, which areas can be covered in such questions as the possibilities of narratives and stories are infinite? In this regard, this section is dedicated to the different structural aspects and elements of the narrative essay. Students often confuse one thing or another resulting in a loose narrative with flat characters. By going through ample examples and details, they will be able to better understand and apply the effects of these elements in their writing.

The opening or the introduction of a narrative essay, as the name indicates, is where all things regarding the story take off. Many seasoned writers start with a hook which could be a bold statement, a question, or a statistic that directly relates to the narrative. This is the most important part of the essay because if a reader leaves it, there is no way he will read the rest of it. So, students should learn about it through quizzes and multiple choice questions.


A theme or the central idea of the narrative essay is the underlying feeling or sentiment behind every other element or structural aspect. A theme is defined by the conclusion that writers often explicitly write or it is baked in every major scene or segment of the essay. The major themes found in the narrative essay are a tragedy, loss, visiting a new place, finding a lost one, and so on. Novice writers have a hard time balancing it with other elements and a quiz can help them better understand and apply it.

Thesis Statement

A thesis statement is a sentence that encapsulates the theme of the narrative essay. It is an integral part and comes often at the end of the introduction. Apart from encompassing the aspects of the theme, it helps readers predict the interplay of other elements in the main body. Without a comprehensive thesis statement, a narrative essay is not complete. Still, many students forget about it in their essays. Through practice quizzes, they can learn about its different aspects and learn better.


Every story has a conflict. It is the driving engine behind every major change in the narrative essay. Before it, there is a status quo where everything is “fine” or predictable for the characters. With the conflict, they are forced to leave their old ways and adapt. Narrative essays devoid of meaningful conflict or interruption in the status quo hardly fetch any remarkable marks. That’s why teachers can help students identify them and teach them how to introduce them in their essays through quizzes.


Actions are the steps taken by characters when they face conflict. In most cases, these are the things that help readers understand the element of change in characters’ outlook and their ways to avert adversity. Many students confuse action with either conflict or plot which are both different things. And that’s why a quiz filled with different examples from literary works can help students understand the real action. In addition to this, students should study other literary giants to pace and conclude action in their essays.


Characters are the people who inhabit the narrative. They are the ones who go through trials and tribulations and come out different from when they started. There are two major types of characters: protagonists and antagonists. The former is the central character of the narrative who goes through the conflict and finds resolution. Whereas the latter one shows the opposition to the main character and is often dubbed as the villain. Both are important to the story and both cannot exist in a vacuum. Teachers can help students balance them through interactive quizzes.


A plot is a series of events or changes that the protagonist goes through. They may or may not be set by the antagonist because other aspects also come into play, such as nature, accidents, and more. A plot is a major category and both conflict, change, and resolution, all are sub-categories of the plot. This could be confusing for novice writers because it is hard to balance the different aspects. That’s why practice and interactive quizzes can help them identify various parts and put them to better use.


The setting is the time and places aspect of the story, where and when things happened for the protagonist. Many writers believe that setting is more than just time and space and other elements of the story can also contribute to it, such as the weather of the day, the traffic conditions, the fashion style of the time, and much more. It lends rich details and helps readers “see” and “hear” things through the narrative woven by the writer. Understanding it is crucial if students want to produce any meaningful work.


Resolution or conclusion is the culmination of conflict by the protagonist. In literature, it is best to put the protagonist behind the resolution but personal narrative can go either way. What is important is that it should carry the meanings and implicit force of the theme and ensure that the central idea is clear to the readers. It is an important part because a majority of the readers will remember it better than the rest of the narrative essay. So, understanding and mastering this part is crucial.


The main purpose of narrative essay quizzes is to help students in learning and understand the technical aspects of writing and editing. They can learn about the essential elements of a narrative essay as well as its structure.

Research has shown that students who learn through interactive sessions can better understand and grasp new information. Their brains are stimulated and the sense of thinking on their toes and finding meanings from different options helps them learn more in less time.

The primitive ways of teaching narrative essay writing have proven to be lacking in many key aspects. The most important is the long wait between learning the skills and then putting them into action. With a narrative essay quiz, students can better understand and put the learned skills into action at a small yet quantifiable scale.

The opening or introduction of a narrative essay is where a writer sets the hook and gets the setting in motion. It is about explaining the events before the conflict or interruption in the status quo. Usually, the last sentence of the introduction is the thesis statement that sums up the theme of the essay and foreshadows the upcoming events.

Writing a conclusion to the narrative essay is very important because it is the last thing that many readers will go through and remember about it. Many students make the mistake of not giving the conclusion its due importance and get poor scores.

The conclusion should reflect on the theme or central idea of the narrative essay or other moral lessons learned through the narrative.

If not prescribed otherwise, a high school narrative essay has five paragraphs:

  • Introduction/ Opening (1 paragraph)
  • The Main Body (3 paragraphs)
  • Conclusion/ Closing (1 paragraph)

Summing It Up

A narrative essay quiz is a great way for students to learn about different elements or aspects of writing in school and college. It helps them connect the dots between various issues and helps them visualize their progress. Young writers can also gain confidence through exploring interactive sessions designed by instructors.

In this blog post, we have shown the benefits of going the “quiz” route along with the elements and their importance in the quiz process. Students that are still learning the ABC of narrative writing can benefit a lot from the guide.

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